June 2016Volume 21Number 5PDF icon PDF version (for best printing)

Balancing the Scales

Work-life balance is always a hot topic for our committee. I want to approach this specifically from the question of getting you and your family healthy meals throughout the week, without trying to find the time to fit in a run to the grocery store outside of the weekends. It can be done, I promise.

I am also excited to announce this as the start of a new regular column regarding work-life balance. We will be including tips and resources, as well as editorial pieces to help in your career, friendships, health, family, fun & enjoyment, loving relationship, money/wealth and time management. I hope to be a regular contributor to this column and the editors have asked for submissions from our members and subscribers as well.

Top 5 tips:

1. Plan your week:

Sit down (maybe with a glass of wine in hand) and look at your week ahead. Which nights are you home, so you can plan to cook a meal as a family? Which nights are you working late or at a networking event, so you may need to plan what your family members are eating.

2. Decide your meals in advance:

Once you know which nights you can have family meals vs. not, then select the meals you want to make. Step 1 and Step 2 typically take me about 15-20 minutes. Here is an example:

Monday: a pasta dish

Tuesday: spinach flautas (see my blog for the recipe)

Wednesday: order in from your favorite restaurant

Thursday: networking event – family to eat grilled cheese (see my blog for kid-healthy grilled cheese) and vegetable side dish

Friday: roasted vegetables with quinoa

3. Make one grocery list:

As you are picking out your meals, write down all ingredients necessary for each meal. This is key to making one trip to the grocery store/fruit market.

4. Plan for leftovers:

When you cook, be cognizant of the amount it will make, and sometimes you might want to double the recipe if it’s small.

5. Don’t forget to purchase foods for snacks and breakfast.

For example fruit, cheese sticks, hummus and veggies, trail mix, etc.


I have found that meal-planning in advance is the biggest challenge to ensuring you and your family have healthy meals throughout the week. I hope that you find my tips useful.


Erin M. Wilson is an associate at O’Connor Family Law, PC. In addition to practicing as a family law attorney, she has two children and has a blog called www.vegetariankidscooking.com

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